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Neurable's Unwavering Pursuit Of Excellence: What Powered By Neurable AI Means

 min read
Dr. Ramses Alcaide
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When I co-founded Neurable in 2015 at the University of Michigan’s Direct Brain Interface Lab, our ambitious mission was to deliver cutting-edge, lab-quality brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) with the same level of sleek minimalism, sophisticated design, and seamless performance as some of the world’s most popular consumer electronics—but with the revolutionary power to unlock the mind’s potential at scale.

The original Neurable founding team after we incorporated, 2016, (from l-r): Michael Thompson, me, James Hamet, and Adam Molnar, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Now, nearly ten years later, we’re proud to launch our MW75 Neuro smart headphones, our first commercial BCI product in partnership with premium audio brand Master & Dynamic. Embedded with Neurable’s innovative electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors and proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm, the headphones and app track users’ brain waves, build better focus habits, and banish burnout over time—a technological advancement that’s just the first of many in our innovation pipeline. On the headband is a “Powered by Neurable AI” quality assurance badge, a hard-fought accomplishment I’m equally proud to achieve.

Our “Powered by Neurable AI” Promise

Our MW75 Neuro smart headphones are just the beginning of many “Powered by Neurable AI” collaborations with top consumer electronics companies. For too long, commercially available BCI products have over-promised and underperformed, disappointing consumers by being ineffective, awkward, uncomfortable, and expensive. Neurable is dedicated to changing this narrative. The “Powered by Neurable AI” badge promises that our rigorous and extensive, almost decade-long experience in AI and brain wave signal processing has been leveraged in the product development partnership to achieve unparalleled levels of BCI performance, quality, seamless usability, reliability, and affordability. Here’s how we arrived at our “Powered by Neurable AI” pledge.

Our Ten-Year Pursuit of Excellence

For too long, the neurotech industry has been known for its experimental, science-fair-like prototypes. At Neurable, we consciously chose a different path. We’ve refused to release products that look—and act—like clunky science projects. Instead, we view product development through the lens of a skilled artisan perfecting their craft. Each element of our brain-computer interfaces has been refined through years of rigorous work. We’ve received feedback from thousands of users, constantly iterated and refined our AI models, and paid meticulous attention to the details with some of the best hardware companies in the world. Our determination to produce functional and elegant BCI devices that require little to no calibration, have frictionless setup, and top-notch performance has been unwavering. In fact, our relentless pursuit of excellence has been part of Neurable’s DNA from Day One.

“Powered by Neurable AI” signals our product development process is fueled by an artisan-like attention to craftsmanship and detail.

The Genesis: Game-Changing AI on EEG Gel Caps

During Neurable’s early years at the University of Michigan’s Direct Brain Interface Lab, we were determined to revolutionize BCIs by developing a game-changing AI. Our AI interpreted brain waves recorded by EEG gel caps, an effective but unwieldy lab device that uses wet conductive gel to detect electric brain signals. Our AI achieved unprecedented performance and marked a paradigm shift by offering users a glimpse into a functional, consumer-facing BCI’s potential. However, we knew if we wanted to revolutionize the industry, Neurable would have to evolve beyond the limitations of traditional laborious EEG setups.

The Transition: From Gel Caps to Dry Electrodes

Our desire to create a more human-centered and scalable way to capture brain waves meant we needed to transition away from gel cap technology to dry electrodes, which are more affordable, comfortable, and easier to use. This transition required years of thorough data collection and analysis. We gathered information from thousands of users to refine our AI models, ensuring that the transition to dry electrodes did not compromise performance. It was a painstaking process, but it laid the foundation for integrating our BCIs into users' everyday lives.

Refinement: From 22 Dry Electrodes to Six

As we continued to refine our technology, we pushed boundaries even further. Our goal: make our BCIs even more user-friendly and decrease the form factor of our brain-wave capturing headsets without compromising performance. Moving from 22 dry electrodes to just six was a significant leap forward. Once again, this phase involved rigorous testing, continuous AI algorithm refinement, and a dedication to maintaining the high standards Neurable had set for itself.

The Culmination: From Headsets to Headphones

Fast-forward to today, Neurable stands on the cutting edge of BCI technology with our latest breakthrough, our MW75 Neuro smart headphones, the innovative outcome of our state-of-the-art partnership with Master & Dynamic. Finally, BCIs are flawlessly integrated into stylish, everyday headphones with stellar performance, enabling a seamless experience. This evolution represents the pinnacle of our journey, allowing users to experience the power of high-performance BCIs in a form factor that aligns with their daily lives.

“Powered by Neurable AI” is our promise that a rigorous approach to the scientific process has been central to the design and development of all our BCIs.

Our Commitment to Scientific Rigor

Key to Neurable’s success has been our dedication to scientific rigor. We collaborate with leading neuroscientists and technology experts, ensuring our BCIs consistently push boundaries while staying grounded in solid scientific principles. Our decade-long research and development efforts have included over 7,000 user tests, 11 patents, and nine published white papers. This sets us apart, defining us as an industry leader where innovation meets a deep understanding of the human brain. We’re proud to say our science has been validated by the U.S. Air Force and the Mayo Clinic, and we’re proud of our collaborations with some of the best neuroscience labs in the world in our white papers.

Finally, Our Commitment to Neurable’s Customers

An “overnight success,” ten years in the making, Neurable’s journey has been more than a technological evolution; it’s a reminder that, in the pursuit of innovation, the human experience should always be at the forefront.

As Neurable’s CEO and co-founder, “Powered by AI” signals my deepest commitment and responsibility to you, our customers. When buying products “Powered by Neurable AI,” you can be assured they are embedded with the highest-performance EEGs on the market and have a stellar user experience at their core.

Our unwavering pursuit of excellence has been part of Neurable’s DNA from Day One so our customers trust that premium wearable BCIs “Powered by Neurable AI” will perform seamlessly, intuitively, reliably, and well for them from Day One—and many years to come.

Thank you for being part of Neurable's extraordinary journey. We’re honored to be a part of yours as you use devices “Powered by Neurable AI” to unlock your mind’s full potential.

Neurable’s technology has evolved, but our vow to create best-in-class everyday BCIs has remained resolute.

2 Distraction Stroop Tasks experiment: The Stroop Effect (also known as cognitive interference) is a psychological phenomenon describing the difficulty people have naming a color when it's used to spell the name of a different color. During each trial of this experiment, we flashed the words “Red” or “Yellow” on a screen. Participants were asked to respond to the color of the words and ignore their meaning by pressing four keys on the keyboard –– “D”, “F”, “J”, and “K,” -- which were mapped to “Red,” “Green,” “Blue,” and “Yellow” colors, respectively. Trials in the Stroop task were categorized into congruent, when the text content matched the text color (e.g. Red), and incongruent, when the text content did not match the text color (e.g., Red). The incongruent case was counter-intuitive and more difficult. We expected to see lower accuracy, higher response times, and a drop in Alpha band power in incongruent trials. To mimic the chaotic distraction environment of in-person office life, we added an additional layer of complexity by floating the words on different visual backgrounds (a calm river, a roller coaster, a calm beach, and a busy marketplace). Both the behavioral and neural data we collected showed consistently different results in incongruent tasks, such as longer reaction times and lower Alpha waves, particularly when the words appeared on top of the marketplace background, the most distracting scene.

Interruption by Notification: It’s widely known that push notifications decrease focus level. In our three Interruption by Notification experiments, participants performed the Stroop Tasks, above, with and without push notifications, which consisted of a sound played at random time followed by a prompt to complete an activity. Our behavioral analysis and focus metrics showed that, on average, participants presented slower reaction times and were less accurate during blocks of time with distractions compared to those without them.

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